14. March 2025
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Work in Progress

Rolleston was definitely a unique experience. Just imagine a city build from scratch. A city with more “opening soon” than “open now” signs. A city, that is more of a project or a promise totally living up to its claim to be “the fastest-growing city in New Zealand”.

However, Rolleston claiming to be “the city of the future” made me chuckle, as large parts of the district that’s finished look like an open-field shopping mall only accessible for motorists. Really? Thats how you imagine the future, New Zealand?

On the other hand, Rolleston does of course look fresh and new, thoughtfully greened and extremely neat making it one of the cleanest and most polished cities I’ve ever seen here.

The biggest advantage of Rolleston is its closeness to Christchurch though. Within half an hour, you can drive from Rolleston to Christchurch CBD making it a suitable location for commuting. And other than “ChCh”, Rolleston lies on solid rock, making it a safer environment in an area with a higher Earthquake risk.

On top of that, pledging for Rolleston is a good invest for the future due to its rapid growth and the plenty of facilities that are coming soon – or are even there right now.

To sum it up, Rolleston left me in a state of perplexity. It is truly one kind of a city, that I’ve never seen before.

Fred Vanterra

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