Remember me exploring the Weta Workshop Group Space in Wellington?
That was a great experience, but attending the “Weta Unleashed Special Screening Event” in Auckland today was the cherry on top.

Today, a good bunch of Tolkien enthusiasts had the chance to see “The Return of The King”, the third part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, on a big screen embedded in a nice event with snacks, props and a proper gift shop.

To be honest, that was kind of enough to make my heart beat faster, but the highlight of this event was Richard Taylor, Tania Rodger and Daniel Falconer doing a live commentary.

Listening to these guys talking over the movie was absolutely terrific. For being the founders of the Weta Cave and therefore the main contributors to the look and feel of the Lord of the Ring movies, Richard and Tania and also Daniel had so many interesting stories and inside joks to tell, it was pure joy for all the audience to listen.
We even had the chance to have a nice conversation with Tania and taking a picture with Richard. Definitely a night I’ll never forget!
Wow! Das ist ja wirklich was ganz Besonderes! Wie seit ihr denn an die Tickets rangekommen??
Die Tickets waren frei verkäuflich! Man musste nur schnell sein. ^^’